upcoming 30 november 2024 - 18 januari 2025
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Hall East, Stockholm.
The weaving and the warp, allowing the loom to expand like a sculpture. Threads being tightened and stretched, weights pulling and stretching, allowing the tools, body, and materials to fill the space, a work in progress, growing, and changing.In the exhibition, I present works that are both depictions of places and the materials themselves.

For several years, I have been active on Gotland, and I make use of what I have around me. Working with local materials connects me with the people, the place, the landscape, and the collective knowledge held by foresters and sheep farmers. By starting from craftsmanship, I am forced to listen to forces outside myself.
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Sankt Hansgatan 21 Visby oktober 2023
Occupé/Libre is a group of artists, musicians, and writers who "occupy" one of the outlets for contemporary art on Gotland - the local art museum. There, we come together in the building to occupy the various rooms with our individual and collective works. The exhibition is an ongoing process where we embrace the possibilities of the spaces. An exhibition in constant change that grows and breathes with the location.

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Petter Hellsing i samtal med Anneli Dufva
dramaturg och redaktör på Dramaten,
(tidigare programledare och kritiker
på Sveriges Radios kulturredaktion)
Ett samtal kring konsten och hantverkets möjligheter att möta ett material genom handens kunskap. Om den kreativa processen och det kroppsliga minnet. Men också om världen vi befinner oss i – kan hantverket läka relationen natur och människa.
handen andas med världen
Körsbärsgården Sundre 11 juli 2023

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the hand breathes with the world

3 juni – 12 juli 2023
Körsbärsgården Sundre Gotland
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handen andas med världen
12 november – 15 januari 2023
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Vända blick
Fiberspace Gallery 5 - 28 Mars 2020
Katarina Bangata 40 Stockholm
Nääs Konsthantverk Galleri
30 Maj - 28 Juni 2020
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Room for Textile Art
Konstfack pop-up 2019
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Tillvarons Ornamentik
SOFT Galleri Oslo
1 Mars - 8 april 2018
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Patched Up
The Second Triennial of Fibre Art
Zhejiang Art Museum Hangzhou China sept 2016
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Patched Up

Galleri PS Göteborg sept 2015
Tegen2 Stockholm april 2015
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Patch Up
Nääs Konsthantverk, Nääs Slott, Floda
26 april - 25 maj 2014
www.naaskonsthantverk.se >>
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  Site of Construction
103 years of the Republic on January 20
A site specific installation
Artist in Residence
Tainan National University of the Arts 2014
With support by Iaspis – The Swedish Arts Grants Committeé’s International Programme for Visual Artists
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rött och svart
En samlingsutställning Nationalgalleriet Stockholm
14 - 23 december 2013
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Urban Weft
4/5 - 26/5 2013. Galleri 21, Malmö.
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From Lausanne to Beijing
The 7th International Fiber Art Biennale Exhibition
Nantong, Jiangsu, China. 8 November 2012
With support by Iaspis – The Swedish Arts Grants Committeé’s International Programme for Visual Artists
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Urban Weft
Kulturens Hus, Luleå
March 2012
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A little Cabin in the Woods
I ett hus vid skogens slut
Swedish Travelling Exhibitions 2002-04
Pricked: Extreme Embroidery
Museum of Arts & Design, New York 2007
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FiberArtSweden T-Östermalm 2004
”Textile 05” The fifth International textile Art Exhibition
Zilinskas Art gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania 2005
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Living room
Galleri Grå, Stockholm 1996
God bless our mobile home
Gallery WYSPA, Gdansk. Gallery Amfilada, Szczecin.
Polish Sculpture centre, Oronsko. Poland 1997-98

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